Research, Reports, and Evaluation

“Research, Reports, and Evaluation” contains a curated set of articles, papers, and reports related to research and evaluation in maker education. As a relatively young area, the field is still growing and evolving in its research, and this category includes key pieces that we feel are critical to understanding its past, present, and future. The category is not comprehensive though, and it will continue to be updated and evolve as the work continues.

This category was developed as part of a 2019 grant, generously funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, that also supported our National Forum and writing of our associated white paper entitled “Opportunities and Vignettes for Library Makerspaces”. To that end, a portion of the resources included below have a specific lens on libraries; library-oriented resources are identified with a pink background, while all others have a blue background.

Because many research publications are often found behind journal paywalls, we sought to identify key articles that are freely accessible and available. We do include a few books, which are not available via download. This category is focused on research and evaluation, so some common publications that are more oriented towards maker activities are not included.

The resources are listed by title in alphabetical order, as a default. When hovering over each box, the full citation will appear to provide additional details. Additionally, after clicking the box, an abstract (directly from the article) or summary will accompany the link to the resource.