Tag: art

  • Meet Isabel Emmons — Designing for Human Happiness

    In this post, we meet Isabel, (she/her/hers) a positive and cognitive psychologist focused on bridging joy and play with community engagement and facilitation to build a fun, diverse, robust Maker […]

  • “Art is for EVERYONE!” – An Interview with Illustrator and Educator Bri James

    “Art is for EVERYONE!” – An Interview with Illustrator and Educator Bri James

    Maker Ed chats with Bri James, Maker Ed’s Content and Communications Strategist and guest host on Learning in the Making: Stamps and Patterns.

  • Learning in the Making: Stamps & Patterns

    Learning in the Making: Stamps & Patterns

    Patterns are all around us. Some are found in nature. Some are made by people. A pattern is a repeated decorative design. Patterns can tell stories and be used as a way of communicating. Since patterns repeat over and over again, it could be useful to have a tool that helps you easily recreate the…

  • Learning in the Making: Natural Paints

    Learning in the Making: Natural Paints

    The natural world is filled with vibrant color! Our very own environments hold many valuable tools for creation. Would you believe me if I told you that in today’s project […]

  • “Find Your Bright Spot” – An Interview with Science Educator Annalise Klein

    “Find Your Bright Spot” – An Interview with Science Educator Annalise Klein

    Learning in the Making: Live! invites guest hosts of color on as equal and valued partners and collaborators, so that they can tell their stories and showcase the amazing things they […]

  • Learning in the Making: Zines

    Learning in the Making: Zines

    Looking for something fun to make at home? Each week we are collecting and curating resources around a topic and this week is zines. We are focusing on making with what you have around the house. Here’s some inspiration to get you started! Read more…

  • Zines as Expressions of Community Change

    At Maker Ed, we believe that in order to have an impact across the country it is important to also partner with educators locally. One of our local connections is with Achieve Academy, a TK-6 public charter school in Oakland, CA. At our second workshop, we engaged in a Tinkering to Discover lesson focused on…

  • Agency by Design: Pictures of Practice

    Agency by Design Oakland – Pictures of Practice http://www.abdoakland.org/picturesofpractice  

  • Creativity Lab Project Guides

    Creativity Labs Project Guides http://lighthousecreativitylab.org/projects/project-guides/

  • CLMOOC Make Bank

    CLMOOC Make Bank https://clmoocmb.educatorinnovator.org/home/