Category: Maker Ed

  • Maker Corps Meets Mozilla Hive NYC

    By Leah Gilliam, Portfolio Strategist | Mozilla | Hive NYC Mozilla Hive NYC Learning Network or Hive NYC is a city-wide idea factory and learning laboratory with a focus on openness, innovation and opportunity for youth, […]

  • Maker Corps at The Science Museum of Minnesota’s Learning Technologies Center

    By Keith Braafladt, Director, Learning Technologies Center     The Science Museum of Minnesota’s Learning Technologies Center (LTC) is very excited to be able to host Maker Corps members this summer.   […]

  • Maker Corps at the Evanston Public Library

    By Renee Neumeier, Young Adult Librarian, Evanston Public Library   Evanston Public Library is thrilled to host two Maker Corps members this summer!  Evanston Public Library is located in the diverse community of […]

  • Introducing The Works, a Maker Corps Host Site

      By Guest Contributor Jessalyn Johnson, Education Programs Manager, The Works     What is The Works? The Works is a hands-on museum in Bloomington Minnesota that makes learning about engineering, science, […]

  • Tinkering with The Exploratory, a Maker Corps Host Site

    By Guest Contributor Jean Kaneko, Exploratory Chief Tinkerer   The Exploratory empowers children to be curious, take risks, make mistakes, explore and soar into adventure–or as we say, tinker, make, […]

  • Introducing Maker Corps Host Site COSI

    By Guest Contributor  Jaclyn Reynolds, COSI’s Public Relations and Social Media Manager     COSI (Center Of Science and Industry) is Columbus’ dynamic hands-on science center. Our mission is to inspire interest […]

  • The Maker Corps: Summer Jobs & Making Opportunities

    By Steve Davee   Are you a young adult? A maker? Seeking summer employment, and a chance to be a pioneer in maker education and leadership? The Maker Corps is […]

  • Making and Maker Corps at the Newark Museum

      By Guest Contributor Kim Robledo-Diga, Newark Museum Director for Innovation and Learning Since its beginning, in 1909, Newark Museum has been an institution of art, science, technology and history. Within those […]

  • Introducing The Digital Harbor Foundation

    By Guest Contributor Margaret Roth Maker Ed is pleased to begin introducing our 2013 Maker Corps Host Sites, through a series of new blog  posts from all of our Sites […]

  • Ideation and Sketching: The first meeting at The Bay School

    The first-ever Young Makers meeting at The Bay School enjoyed a strong turnout and a variety of activities related to the theme of ideation and sketching.