Category: Maker Ed

  • The Maker Movement in Education

    Halverson, E. R., & Sheridan, K. M. (2014). The Maker Movement in Education. Harvard Educational Review, 84(4), 495-504. Available at Summary from article In this essay, Erica Halverson and […]

  • MakerSpaces in Libraries

    MakerSpaces in Libraries

    Urban Library Council. (2019). MakerSpaces in Libraries. Available at Summary This Urban Libraries list includes almost 50 public libraries that offer maker programming or makerspaces. A short, thoughtful description, […]

  • Learning and Teaching in Library Makerspaces: A Literature Review on Making Literacies

    Learning and Teaching in Library Makerspaces: A Literature Review on Making Literacies

    Andrews, C. A. (2017). Learning and Teaching in Library Makerspaces: A Literature Review on Making Literacies. In ISAM 2017 Paper No. 109. Cleveland, OH: Case Western Reserve University. Available at Summary […]

  • Maker Movement Grows in K-12, with Librarians Leading the Way, Finds SLJ Survey

    Maker Movement Grows in K-12, with Librarians Leading the Way, Finds SLJ Survey

    Jacobson, L. (2017, Sept 9). Maker Movement Grows in K-12, with Librarians Leading the Way, Finds SLJ Survey. School Library Journal. Available at Summary The School Library Journal School Maker Survey […]

  • Examining Social Justice Themes through micro:bit and Scratch

    Weaving together themes of social justice with ELA standards, block-based programming with Scratch, and physical computing with micro:bit, this series of linked activities from our Approaches to Maker Education workshop showcased a learning progression that integrated all three of our Approaches to Curriculum Integration: Tinkering to Discover, Making to Learn, and the Application Project. Read…

  • Making, Makers, and Makerspaces: A Discourse Analysis of Professional Journal Articles and Blog Posts about Makerspaces in Public Libraries

    Making, Makers, and Makerspaces: A Discourse Analysis of Professional Journal Articles and Blog Posts about Makerspaces in Public Libraries

    Willett, R. (2016). Making, Makers, and Makerspaces: A Discourse Analysis of Professional Journal Articles and Blog Posts about Makerspaces in Public Libraries. The Library Quarterly, 86(3), 313-329 Available at […]

  • Makerspaces and boundary work: the role of librarians as educators in public library makerspaces

    Makerspaces and boundary work: the role of librarians as educators in public library makerspaces

    Williams, R.D. & Willett, R. (2017). Makerspaces and boundary work: the role of librarians as educators in public library makerspaces. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(3). Available at […]

  • An assessment matrix for library makerspaces

    An assessment matrix for library makerspaces

    Cun, A., Abramovich, S., & Smith, J. (2019). An assessment matrix for library makerspaces. Library & Information Science Research, 41(1), 39-47. Available at Abstract The emergence of maker culture […]

  • Tinkering with Light and Shadow to Support Science Discovery

    Tinkering with Light and Shadow to Support Science Discovery

    We recently hosted a Maker Educator Meetup for 30 K-8 science educators in collaboration with Community Resources for Science (CRS) as part of their Field Trip for Teachers program. Read on for an example of a learner-driven, inquiry-based activity that aligns with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) practices, built on our Approaches to Maker Education…

  • Institute Day Five: Equity Maps, Resources, and Final Reflections

    Institute Day Five: Equity Maps, Resources, and Final Reflections

    After working all week on identifying resources around curriculum integration, program development, and assessment through the lens of equity and sustainability, we had the opportunity to share and present all of our work with each other. Read more…