Category: Maker Ed

  • The Future of the World in a Hot Air Balloon: Young Makers at Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

    The Future of the World in a Hot Air Balloon: Young Makers at Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

    As I made my way through this year’s labyrinthine Maker Faire Bay Area, I wasn’t prepared for what would end up catching and keeping my attention. The size, complexity, and […]

  • Growing Up Making – Kevin Jarrett

    Welcome to Maker Ed’s “Growing up Making” community blog series that highlights how maker educators have been influenced by family and their community. By sharing stories of what inspires maker educators, […]

  • Growing Up Making – Trey Lathe

      Welcome to Maker Ed’s “Growing up Making” community blog series that highlights how maker educators have been influenced by family and their community. By sharing stories of what inspires maker […]

  • Growing Up Making Blog Series – Christa Flores

    Welcome to Maker Ed’s “Growing up Making” community blog series that highlights how maker educators have been influenced by family and their community. By sharing stories of what inspires maker educators, […]

  • Maker Corps 2016 at Assemble

    Maker Corps 2016 at Assemble

    Maker Ed is so excited to welcome Assemble at Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh as a Maker Corps Partner Site in 2016. For the fourth year of Maker Corps, Maker Ed will collaborate […]

  • Junk to Genius: An Interview with Donna Sangwin of Recreate

    Junk to Genius: An Interview with Donna Sangwin of Recreate

    Donna Sangwin, founder and director of ReCreate, speaks to Maker Ed program coordinator Justin about trash, tech, reuse, and education. ReCreate is a creative reuse non-profit based in Roseville, CA […]

  • Growing Up Making Blog Series – Emily Pilloton

    Welcome to Maker Ed’s “Growing up Making” community blog series that highlights how maker educators have been influenced by family and their community. By sharing stories of what inspires maker educators, […]

  • Maker Corps 2016 at Digital Harbor Foundation

    Maker Corps 2016 at Digital Harbor Foundation

    Maker Ed is so excited to welcome Digital Harbor Foundation as a Maker Corps Partner Site in 2016. For the fourth year of Maker Corps, Maker Ed will collaborate with more than forty organizations […]

  • Maker Corps 2016 at Kheprw Institute

    Maker Corps 2016 at Kheprw Institute

    Maker Ed is so excited to welcome Kheprw Institute as a Maker Corps Partner Site in 2016. For the fourth year of Maker Corps, Maker Ed will collaborate with more than forty organizations across […]

  • Maker Corps 2016 at Computers4Kids

    Maker Corps 2016 at Computers4Kids

    Maker Ed is so excited to welcome Computers4Kids as a Maker Corps Partner Site in 2016. For the fourth year of Maker Corps, Maker Ed will collaborate with more than forty organizations across the […]