Latest Past Events

Big Bang Summer Fest

We live in a different world and never could have anticipated pivoting this year’s Big Bang to a virtual convening. But here we are, and we appreciate you being along […]

Free – $50

Virtual Maker-Ed Unconference

Join us on June 28 – 30 for an unconference style virtual event focused on making & hands-on learning in K12 education for the coming school year. #VirtualMakerEd Taking place over three days, the event will feature: Fully unconference sessions with topics created based on participant interest A project show and tell Interactive workshops Select […]


The Inclusive STEM & CS Summit

The Inclusive STEM & CS Summit aims to provide quality professional development for educators focused on pedagogy and instruction in STEM and computer science organized by BIPOC and featuring all BIPOC speakers. 100% of the proceeds of The Inclusive STEM & CS Summit will be donated to organizations that support STEAM/CS programs, such as Black Girls […]
