Tag: design challenge

  • Learning in the Making: Shapes in Nature

    Learning in the Making: Shapes in Nature

    Looking for something fun to make at home? Each week we are collecting and curating resources around a topic and the next two weeks are about structural engineering—buildings constructed by animals (May 6) and humans (May 13)! Join us in Learning in the Making: LIVE! This will be a two part series with special guest…

  • Learning in the Making: Design

    Learning in the Making: Design

    Suggested supplies: – Planning supplies: paper, pencil, markers, crayons – Base material: cardboard, construction paper, felt, fabric – Structural support: Chenille stems (pipe cleaners), craft sticks, straws, twist-ties, paper clips – Connecting materials: tape, yarn, hot glue gun, glue sticks – Decorating materials: pom poms, ribbon, yarn, markers