Maker Ed is thrilled to welcome Kentucky Country Day School as a Maker Corps Host Site in 2015. For the third year of Maker Corps, Maker Ed will collaborate with more than forty organizations to host Maker Corps Members throughout the summer to bring maker activities and approaches to the communities that they serve.
Below is a glimpse into what Maker Corps will look like at Kentucky Country Day School in the summer of 2015. Click here to learn more about becoming a Maker Corps Member!
Kentucky Country Day School & Maker Corps 2015
Kentucky Country Day School is a regional leader in STEAM and maker education and is thrilled to be participating in its first year as a Maker Corps Host Site. Located in Louisville, Kentucky, the school runs a Summer Stretch program for students in grades Junior Kindergarten through 12 in which students from all over the area may sign up for week long camps which meet for three hours a day Monday through Friday. Our camps are set up for students of similar ages to work together (Kindergarten and first grades; second through fourth grades; fifth through eighth grades; and ninth through twelfth grades). The camps are being offered as part of our overall STEAM initiative at the school, which includes a strong art/design component.
In our first year, we have some broad starting places for summer camp themes, but are looking for corps members who will partner with us to create more specific plans for each camp theme and who can incorporate their passions and interests into our themes. Our well-outfitted space, our Fab Lab, allows us many options for camp themes, and our initial ideas include: 3-D printing, Robotics, Tech Tool How Tos, Creation Stations (with circuits, cardboard, and textiles), and more art centered programs.
The Fab Lab at KCD contains 3D printers, a laser cutter, a vinyl cutter, a CNC mill, power woodworking tools, soldering irons, desktop workstations employing online CAD software (Tinkercad) along with more complex software like Inkscape and tool specific software, and simple hand tools, as well as robotics equipment. We also have added new components recently including sewing machines, conductive ink kits, and Makey-Makey.
Our two Maker Corps Members will work with KCD faculty in the lab. They will also be given plenty of time and latitude to explore their own making interests in our space. We hope that our Maker Corps Members will learn new skills as well as build their experience and interest in making and STEAM related fields.
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