Facilitating Rich Math Tasks Remotely Graham Fletcher

Rich math tasks are designed to promote student discourse and sensemaking in the classroom. In this time of remote learning, how can we adapt our facilitation of rich tasks so students have access to interesting mathematics from home? During this 45-minute free webinar, Graham Fletcher will talk about remote ways to facilitate 3-Act Math Tasks, […]


Listening Leadership in a time of Pandemic: Session IV

Session IV: Listening for Equity: Reaching Students & Families at the Margins In this final session, we’ll think about what it means to live outside the testing paradigm for a minute. How do we rethink our measures of equity without the standard metrics guiding us? I’ll offer you hands-on tools for gathering equity data right now that […]


Don’t Look Away: Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms

Presented by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D., Chief Research Innovation Officer & Director, HighScope Educational Research Foundation; Stephanie Curenton, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Boston University; and Kerry-Ann Escayg, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska at Omaha Sponsored by Gryphon House In this edWebinar, the lead authors of the newly released book, Don’t Look Away: Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms, call all […]


Unplugged Activities

Resources for activities that do not require electronic technology presented by DevTech Researchers and Early Childhood Technology (ECT) Graduate Certificate alumni and instructors on early childhood education with a focus on technology. These activities will be useful for learning at home and at school.


Make For All Community Call

How maker educators and students are responding to COVID-19 This month’s conversation will be dedicated to learning more about what organizations and individuals in our community are doing to support healthcare workers on the front lines of COVID-19 and the students and families learning remotely from home. Hear about how students in the greater Sacramento area are […]


Challenging Dis/Abilities: Leveraging the Potential of All Students as Math Problem Solvers

How can I leverage the potential of ALL students, including students with dis/abilities, as problem solvers and risk takers? Come engage in math play and learn how to adapt current math curriculum to promote deeper engagement in math concepts and account for and leverage student differences. This session is for general and special educators. From […]


At Home Makerspaces

Resources and suggestions for creating an at home makerspace presented by DevTech Researchers and Early Childhood Technology (ECT) Graduate Certificate alumni and instructors on early childhood education with a focus on technology. These activities will be useful for learning at home and at school.


Project Invent: Empathy Online

Join us for this special webinar on how to use design thinking & making as a way to teach social-emotional learning while students learn from home. Baked into design thinking are key moments to teach empathy, goal-setting, and decision-making to kids of all ages. Learn how you can bring key SEL lessons into your teaching, […]


#LunchBites: Mathematics Through The Lens of Social Justice

All students deserve access to rich, rigorous, and relevant mathematics! Join us for a webinar focused on how to promote positive mathematics learning and achievement, with guest presenter Kyndall Brown, Executive Director of CA Mathematics Project.
