Makey Makey: STEM From a Distance: Brown Bag STEAM, Literacy Kits, and Engineering Process

As we head back to school this fall in all its new incarnations, we know that hands-on learning and STEM education face new challenges. It’s time to start brainstorming innovative ways to keep our students engaged, creating, making, and coding. In this new webinar series, we’ll be reaching out to educators all over the world […]


AIMS HANDS ONline: Shape Viewfinders

Shape Viewfinders Learning the concepts of geometry begins at a very young age. As children are introduced to the names of shapes, they should also be encouraged to recognize these […]


Returning to K-12 Education: Using Science to Keep Children, Teachers and Staff Safe

In the 13th webinar in the COVID-19 Conversations series, we will discuss: takeaways from recent data and expert opinion on opening K-12; lessons from K-12 reopening experiences in Europe; incorporation of pandemic health practices in schools; and plans for the Spring 2021 semester. Our expert panel: Wendy Armstrong, MD, Emory University (Moderator) Caitlin Rivers, PhD, […]


Play Make Learn 2020

The Play Make Learn Conference promotes high-quality learning opportunities for educators, researchers, developers, designers, foundation leaders, policy makers, museum and library professionals, and school leaders who are dedicated to promoting […]


CA STEAM: Partnering With Parents For Science Education

#DiscoverTogether: Science Activities, Videos & Lessons To Share With Parents Thousands of parents responded to the California State PTA’s (CAPTA) survey about what they need to support their children’s science learning. Join CAPTA leaders to hear survey results and ways you can help families #DiscoverTogether how engaging and fun science learning can be.


The First Ingredient: Rising to Meet Challenges to Relationships in Fall 2020

What we have seen in our work at EXPLO Elevate over the last months has revealed the immediate, and at times existential, threats to critical school relationships. The justifiable stress accompanying significant decisions is too often chilling the relationships necessary to allow a school to preserve and deepen culture, to serve students, and to prepare […]


Live Science: What the Stars Tell Us

Each episode in the series highlights scientists and researchers at Berkeley Lab. Make sure to download the worksheet beforehand (uploaded to to follow along in easy at-home activities. Register with your preferred email to receive the webinar link. We’ll be partnering with our friends at Lawrence Hall of Science and Science at Cal to […]
