Making Spaces Program Now Accepting School Applications to Partner with Maker Ed

We are seeking school partners for our newest program Making Spaces! Maker Ed is one of 10 Making Spaces Hubs and we are accepting applications to join our network of 5-10 schools working to expand or integrate making in their school communities. We will partner with schools to create crowdfunding campaigns as well as provide professional development to support your making efforts and ideas.

Who should apply? The Hub @ Maker Ed is partnering with schools locally as well as virtually to support schools without access to one of our current regional Hubs. This program is great for schools who have an idea for maker education programming, integration, or a makerspace but need some extra support to get it started. We also can support schools who want to bring making into their community, but are unsure of where or how to start.

Our application deadline is November 16th! Learn more about how to apply and what it means to be a Making Spaces school.

Making Spaces is a partnership between Maker Ed, the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh and Google.