A MakerSpace & Maker Corps at The Great Falls Public Library


Sean Great Falls Public Library       By Sean Anderson, Great Falls Public Library Information Specialist




The Great Falls Public Library is excited to join the ranks of libraries offering a MakerSpace for children and young adults to learn and experiment in the dynamic worlds of robotics, electronics, and just about anything else we can come up with.  This will be the first service of this kind to be offered publicly in Great Falls, Montana.   Our children and young adult programming regularly includes hands-on projects and demonstrations, and in past years, we’ve helped robotics clubs, gardening clubs, local artists, and local musicians get involved with young members of our community.  We look forward to the possibilities of adding Maker activities to our repertoire!


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Supported by Head of Information Susie McIntyre and Information Specialist Sean Anderson, the GFPL annex will be transformed into a gathering place for curious young minds and their families across Cascade County.  It doesn’t look like much at all right now, but in a matter of weeks the space will be transformed into a fabulous (and well-lit!) area for creativity and experimentation.


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An annex awaits transformation


Thanks to the efforts of The Maker Education Initiative and the support of the Great Falls Public Library Foundation, the community of Great Falls and Cascade County will be able to expand their horizons and produce the next generation of makers, experimenters, and tinkerers.  The Great Falls Public Library is tremendously excited to offer this program, and we look forward to a summer of sweat, soldering irons, and fun.

Maker Ed is pleased to welcome the Great Falls Public Library as a Maker Corps Host Site. We look forward to seeing and sharing the transformed MakerSpace! For a complete list of current Maker Corps Host Sites, and to apply to be a Maker Corp Member, please see our Maker Corps Page. – Steve