Maker Corps is successful because of the dedication of our community of partner sites committed to bringing making opportunities to learners across the nation. Below, several partner site supervisors talk about the many ways they see their participation in Maker Corps positively impact their organization.
Supervisors at our partner sites appreciated feeling part of the larger community…
I liked hearing what other maker sites were doing. As a government library, we have a lot of restraints and it was nice to see what could be done with the Maker Corps program.”
“It was good to be able to connect live with others and also ask questions and feel part of the community.”
Site supervisors felt and appreciated the lasting impact that their Maker Corps Members had on their organization…
I enjoyed a deepened friendship with our Maker Corps Member and sustained dialogue about making, programming, and overcoming hurdles. Having a close collaborator was invaluable and contributing to her growth as a maker very satisfying.”
“Our Maker Corps Member served as great facilitator and mentor. It allowed the youth to connect with someone who had a lot of interest, enthusiasm and they could relate to. He also served as a resource expert in some areas, teaching both me and our youth interns what he learned about using our 3D printer.”
“Our Maker Corps Member had a great impact helping us get the program off the ground. Everybody wants her to come back, or for us to find funding to have her around long-term. Now more people see a need to have a fully-staffed position year-round.”
Participation in Maker Corps was a way for partner organizations to bring in new energy and ideas through their Maker Corps Members, some of whom have been offered regular staff positions…
We are once again planning to hire on one our our summer interns! This is a great program for us to recruit and hone talent in a low-risk way.”
“We had ROCKSTARS this time around. They were a pleasure to work with, learn from, and collaborate with. Their kindness, creativity and excitement were infectious and not only made them great facilitators for our audience, but also pushed the staff to be their best selves in order to support them.”
“Working with my Maker Corps Members gave me insight into how better to design the activities we do with the public by giving me feedback regarding themes, helping establish what “learning curves” might arise, and developing additional teaching tools and techniques for new activities.”
We are proud of the ways in which our Maker Corps Members serve their communities and their partner sites. As their their specific roles and responsibilities vary depending on the needs of their organization, their impact is experienced in a diversity of ways. Here’s a few reflections from past Maker Corps Members about how feel like they’ve made a difference.
They expose young people to new skills and talents they didn’t know they had…
A kid named Michael who participated in our summer Maker camp excitedly showed me his first mobile app he developed in class. He went on to talk about his plans for his future apps and games when he is through with the camp. The overwhelming joy and excitement he expressed made me feel I had an impact.”
“When making finger puppets a little girl who had never sewn before got really excited by it and asked her mom if now she could help whenever her mom had to use sewing to fix something. It was amazing to see how our activity facilitated a family conversation that hadn’t been had before. Perhaps the mom didn’t think her daughter was old enough to sew or didn’t think she’d be interested. Not only was the daughter great at sewing but she learned a new skill that she was super excited about.”
They leave a lasting impact on their partner organization….
I documented our entire Maker Corp summer into a book. I printed out the book and gave it to the education department so that future Maker Corp Members will know how our year went and build from that.”
“My biggest accomplishment, I think, was asking questions as a new outsider that will help to create a more cohesive and intentional program. I think [the organization] appreciated seeing how the program came across to an outside eye.”
They see how their time with Maker Corps will influence them beyond the close of the program…
I feel inspired to be even more creative.”
“I am so glad to have a new set of skills and exposure to digital ways of working, which has already begun to influence my own artwork. I feel that I can go out and help facilitate other workshops or studios that have a fab component, so I hope to help with education, too.”
“I will take my new view of myself as a maker into other areas of my life. I am slightly more comfortable with failure and with focusing on the process rather than the product.”