Located in Culver City, CA, The Exploratory’s Maker Guilds provides educational experiences, curricular, and an environment for youth to sustain learning by discovery, which inspires youth to think critically and solve future global challenges.
Maker VISTA members supported the organization’s efforts to form a partnership with the Los Angeles Summer of Learning, part of a city-wide initiative by Mayor Garcetti, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), and the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL). This partnership has allowed the Exploratory and Maker Guilds to offer opportunities for over 1000 youth in the greater Los Angeles area to experience STEM/STEAM focused making activities.
The VISTA members have also been assisting with the development of a volunteer new program, Tinker.Make.Innovate Corps. The Corps will serve as volunteer trainers that, in turn, train other volunteers to facilitate workshops at local libraries.