Open Portfolios: National Working Group Meeting Summary

RB9 thumbnail_with titleMaker Ed’s ninth and final research brief of the Open Portfolio Project focuses on the November 2014 meeting of National Working Group members, hosted at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation headquarters in Palo Alto, CA.

In the National Working Group Meeting Summary, we highlight some of the discussion points and big questions that arose from the 2-day gathering, which included presentation of the project and findings, keynotes from past and present staff of the MIT Admissions Office, and many conversations around emerging themes, such as process, identity, equity and diversity, and assessment and transfer. The meeting served as both a culmination of this phase of work, as well as an important look into the future of this research.

All information on this research efforts can be found on our website, Maker Ed’s Open Portfolio Project, via our blog series, and the entire research brief series. Check out recent Open Portfolio webinars, hosted by Educator Innovator, too!

The Open Portfolio Project is in collaboration with Indiana University’s Creativity Labs and is generously supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.