Open Portfolios: A Networked Vision for Sharing and Documenting

OPP Research Brief 1 thumbnailMaker Ed is delighted to share widely the first of many research briefs that will be arising from the Open Portfolio Project: A Networked Vision for Sharing and Documenting. This initial research brief draws upon our literature review work and also elaborates on the intention and vision for this work.

We’re in the midst of Phase 2 of the project, and our site visits to 10 youth-serving makerspaces and organizations around the nation have shown young makers developing websites to share their work, focusing on their projects at home and at the local makerspace, and curating collections of their individual and group projects. The energy around making and documenting is infectious!

Stay tuned for additional research briefs, to be released in the upcoming weeks and months. We hope you enjoy!

The Open Portfolio Project is in collaboration with Indiana University’s Creativity Labs and is generously supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.