After many months of eager anticipation, we are thrilled to announce that we have the unique opportunity to continue our work on the Open Portfolio Project. With immense thanks to the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Phase 2 of the project has recently begun!
Back in collaboration with Indiana University’s Creativity Labs, led by Dr. Kylie Peppler, our work in this second phase will aim to uncover key factors and practices in successfully designing and implementing youth portfolio practices in both in-school and out-of-school-time educational settings in K-12. In particular, the research will also delve deeper into assessment: how portfolios can ultimately serve as a compelling alternative means of assessment, which learning outcomes are best measured through portfolios, and which indicators communicate evidence of learning.
We are excited to work with a select number of field sites this time, engaging with ones that were part of our Phase 1 work as well as broadening our research to link to others with growing and maturing portfolio practices.
In this phase, Maker Ed is particularly looking forward to better linking research to practice as well. As part of the work, we will be developing a practitioner-focused guide that distills some of our past and ongoing findings for direct implementation with youth. In conjunction with the guide, we will be hosting a workshop for educators and practitioners on open portfolios. This work will connect well with our ongoing engagement with an incredible National Working Group of advisors as well. These National Working Group members, representing expertise in assessment, K-12, industry, research, and practice, will continue to provide field-wide insight into our processes and goals.
If you haven’t already checked out our work and resulting Research Brief Series from Phase 1, please do. And stay tuned for more news and updates on the horizon!