By Tyler Swain, Creative Arts and Maker-Space Lead
In June 2013 Omaha Children’s Museum embarked on a new chapter of engaging the imagination and creating an excitement about learning by opening Maker-Space, a hands-on permanent exhibit where guests are encouraged to use real tools, new technologies and an ever-changing lineup of materials to create and make in an open-ended environment. As the newest development in this program, Omaha Children’s Museum is proud to announce that it has been selected as one of 36 Host Sites across the country to participate in Maker Corps, a program of the Maker Education Initiative.
Maker Corps was designed to meet the demand for qualified staff in organizations eager to imbed making into their programs. The program was launched in 2012 as a commitment to train and place Corps Members across all 50 states by 2015. Each Maker Corps cadre is a new workforce that is constantly learning, working collaboratively, and infusing new energy into established youth serving organizations. In 2013 alone, Maker Corps served more than 90,000 children and families by placing 108 Maker Corps members in 34 organizations across 19 states.
Over the next few months the museum will be looking to hire three Maker Corps members to serve at the museum and assist in creating even better summer programing to serve you in our Maker-Space, as well as our new Maker Camp (June 16-20 and 23-27). Maker Corps Members will be directly involved in bringing the latest technologies, from microcontrollers to 3D printers, as well as programing in textiles, woodworking, electronics and general tinkering to the museum’s early childhood audience. All Maker Corps Members will receive leadership training, as well as hands-on S.T.E.A.M. (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) program training from the museum as well as the Maker Education Initiative.
Participating in Maker Corps provides an excellent opportunity to continue to improve the high level of programing available at the museum every day, as well as create an avenue to share and promote what we do with our entire community. Maker Corps Members will leave the summer experience as Maker Corps Mentors, ready to make a new impact in the larger learning community, while leaving a lasting impact and foundation to grow from here at the museum. If you are over the age of 18, and interested in all things making and tinkering, then apply for Maker Corps beginning Monday, February 3 at: Applications are due by March 21st.
Maker Ed is excited to welcome the Omaha Children’s Museum as a new Maker Corps Host Site for 2014. Please help help spread the word about this and all other Maker Corps opportunities by sharing this post on social media, and by following Maker Ed (@MakerEdOrg) and Omaha Children’s Museum (@OmahaCM) on Twitter.
– Steve