EdVenture Children’s Museum – Maker Works

by Laura Ybarra | Education Services Coordinator


Calling all makers!  It’s time to crank up your ingenuity and imagination in Maker Works – EdVenture’s new workshop for tinkerers, inventors, and artists alike.  Designed for ages 5 and older, Maker Works provides the space, materials, and tools.  You supply the ideas and the imagination!

For the second year Edventure is seeking out imaginative and creative people to be part of our Maker Corps.  For us, Maker Corps Members are helping with the entire exhibit by developing ideas and classes, interacting with guests, and helping to expand the idea of making to our community.  Maker Corps Members will also have the opportunity to help us develop programming and projects for Camp EdVenture, School and Group Programs, Distance Learning, Club EdVenture, and our bigger and better Mini-Maker Faire!  We are very excited and open-minded and would love to hear and learn as much as we can from you just as you learn from us!  If you can dream it, we can try to make it work!

Below you will find some information about the different spaces within our Maker Works gallery along with pictures.

  • Tinker Tech – A techno garage-like setting for tinkerers who like to work with circuits, batteries, soldering, switches, pieces, and parts to create their own gizmos, gadgets, and thingamajigs.
  • Aha! Factory is a space for makers who enjoy exploring the creative process through activities such as printmaking, origami, collage, assemblage, sculpting, and sewing!
  • The Shadow Box is a tucked away nook dedicated to investigating the art and science of light and shadow through a variety of activities including light painting, shadow play, projections, patterns, and prisms.
  • Open Make is the largest area of Maker Works with themed works stations and interactive walls.  From making wind-powered objects to building a cardboard city, you’ll find something here to spark your maker spirit
  • Sound Studio is a room focused on sound, sound waves, music, and the making of objects and instruments that allow you to create a score of sounds.

This super awesome little dude is crazy excited during “Tech Dissect” where they get to take apart different toys or electronics and find certain pieces and parts we ask them for!


More Tech Dissect:


These are some of our friends learning how to hand-sew a stuffed animal together!

Edventure 2

DoodleBots in the making!

Some friends decided they wanted their DoodleBots to have more function so they gave them lights and things that move in the wind!

Edventure 3
What do you do when you can’t get yours working? You discuss (maybe argue a little) with your brother and you learn!

This friend just got her brushbot working all by herself!  The little guy behind her is still trying to figure out how to get his going!