Announcing the Bay Area Young Makers Program for 2013

November 13, 2012 by Tony DeRose and Michelle Hlubinka

    Photos © 2012 Young Makers Program

The Young Makers Program (  connects  young people with adult mentors and fabricators to create opportunities for kids to dream up and develop projects for Maker Faire each year. We encourage kids to develop projects based on their own interests and ideas. Past projects have included a pedal-powered trolley, furniture that doubles as a hamster habitat, a fire-breathing dragon, a seesaw water pump, an animatronic galloping horse, and a mobile spy camera. We all work together to create a collaborative culture of creativity, innovation and experimentation. In addition, we bring program participants together for monthly meet ups to explore different kinds of making and to talk about their own work in progress. In the Young Makers Program, there are no winners and losers; the focus is on exhibition, not competition, and just like Maker Faire, anything that’s cool is fair game.

    Photos ©2012 The Tinkering Studio / Exploratorium

For the past three years the monthly meetings have been hosted by the Exploratorium. Although the Exploratorium will be closed during year’s program, we are thrilled to announce that we are expanding to three host organizations for the 2013 season: The Lawrence Hall of Science for Young Makers in the East Bay, The Tech Museum for those in the South Bay, and The Bay School of San Francisco for those in the North Bay.

    Photos ©2012 The Tinkering Studio / Exploratorium

Organizational kickoff meeting November 15

Want to start or continue a Maker Club in your area?

Interested in mentoring a Young Maker?

Are you a parent of a Young Maker who wants to connect with other parents?

Just want to find out more about the program?

If so, please join us for an organizational meeting to kick off the 2013 season:

When: Thursday, November 15, 6:30-8:00pm

Where: The Exploratorium in San Francisco

How: For planning purposes it will help us if you RSVP using this link:

Although the evening will focus on the program whose regional meetings occur in the Bay Area, we welcome participants who would like to start clubs and regional hubs everywhere and anywhere. We are working on a way for attendees to participate remotely — keep an eye on for connection details.

The meeting is intended for adults only. It should run about an hour, after which attendees are welcome to mingle with one another. (Please note that the museum will have closed at 5.) Light refreshments will be served.

Thanks to our friends at the Exploratorium, Karen Wilkinson and Mike Petrich, for hosting this meeting, and for hosting the program for the past three years!

     Photos ©2012 The Tinkering Studio / Exploratorium