Play Make Learn 2020

The Play Make Learn Conference promotes high-quality learning opportunities for educators, researchers, developers, designers, foundation leaders, policy makers, museum and library professionals, and school leaders who are dedicated to promoting making, gaming, and playful learning. We aim to engage our audience in cutting-edge learning science ideas and experience; communicate state-of-the-art design, education, and research; demonstrate […]


Edcamp: Maker Learning

Edcamp: Maker Learning is a free online unconference-style professional development opportunity for educators to learn and share how they are creating engaging hands-on activities for students during the 2020-21 school year and beyond. Join us on Sept. 12 at 9am PST/ 12pm EST and propose a session topic:


Maker Educator Convening

In 2020, the 6th annual Maker Educator Convening will be virtual, to be held on Friday and Saturday, Oct 2 and 3, 2020. Continuing the commitment to our values and the hard work we must do as a field, we’re thrilled to announce that this year’s theme is Making It Happen: Equity and Joy. We expect […]

California STEAM Symposium

We are proud to announce the 2020 California STEAM Symposium is moving online! To best serve your needs, we are convening the same great Symposium you know and love in a virtual […]
